Monday, September 13, 2010


The Internet provides a multitude of information right at your finger tips, allowing us to search anything and everything.  Some may argue that this is not necessarily a good thing, but I disagree. I like being able to find out who was on the Patriots' roster in 1996 and what the world record is for eating a pizza.  Don't get me wrong there are plenty of things posted on the Internet that are vile and disgusting, but nobody is coercing you to look up these websites.  Those annoying friends on Facebook who update their status every hour can be removed or blocked.  Advertising is so invasive in today's society that we don't even realize we're being advertised to half the time.  The main problem with TMI is the distraction factor.  Facebook is just down right addicting!  The completion of homework can be delayed for hours with all the distractions on the Internet like ESPN and barstool sports.  Navigating the Internet is a choice that involves self control and common sense.  Self control means looking up that academic journal, not updating your fantasy league.  Common sense means if your not sure what the website entails, you probably shouldn't click on it.

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