Monday, December 13, 2010

The Review

The Black Brimmer American Bar & Grill Review

On the biggest bar night of the year, the night before Thanksgiving, it might be a good idea to get to the bar early in order to avoid the cover charge and the crowds. Avoiding the half hour wait in the freezing cold, check. Avoiding the coverage charge for that crappy band, not so much. Apparently, the Brimmer management is also aware that it is the biggest bar night of the year and decided to start a cover charge before nine, weak, but touché. A good start to the night is the discovery of a coat check, this is very crucial. Coats left unattended are frequently stolen at bars and the chances of me remembering where I left my coat at the end of the night are slim to none.
The next order of business is the most important bar none, drinks and their prices. A beer will set you back $3.75, which isn’t bad considering the occasion. A mixed drink is the way to go though; a rum and coke or a gin and tonic is only a $1.25 more with twice the alcohol percentage. The bar service is average, it’s tough to get a drink at any bar when it’s really crowded. The food from what I sampled was well above average. The nacho platter was well worth the affordable price of $6, considering it was big enough for a meal for three adults. The seated sections of the bar had waitresses who were prompt, friendly, and cute which is always a plus.
The band, which was not worth a $5 cover charge to see, started playing way too early and were too loud in comparison to the number of people in the bar at the time. Having a conversation required yelling and lip reading, as well as an occasional hand gesture. The band, who is jamming out hard at this point, made it somewhat awkward to get a drink because in order to do so, you had to walk across the huge dance floor in front of the stage which was completely empty seeing as though there was no more than thirty people in the entire bar. The downstairs had another dance floor and a DJ. The music selection was good, but not great and the massive amount of people made it difficult to get to and from the bar. The bathrooms were also located downstairs. The men’s room never had a line for more than ten seconds and the women’s room, well you can imagine. On the busiest night of the year I give the Black Brimmer a B+ for their good atmosphere, decently priced drinks, and good service.

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