Monday, November 1, 2010

Stephen King's "On Writing"

      Stephen King's, "On Writing", is a fun and quick read full of humor and wit.  The honesty and sincerity King writes with is refreshing and shows how much he cares about the subject.  There are many how to books, but there are none quite like this.  King's interesting and humor filled take on grammar entertains the reader, while feeding them a wealth of knowledge and helpful tips.

      King describes the basic rules of grammar and lays the ground work for good solid writing.  His wisdom and insights are truly helpful no matter what level of writing you are at.  The sincere and friendly tone of "On Writing" clearly are instrumental to not discouraging inexperienced writers, such as myself.  Before I read the book my perceived judgment was of Stephen King ripping other writers' bad habits and writing flaws apart and talking in frustration about the simple never correctly used rules of grammar, but this simply is not the case.  I enjoyed reading King's "On Writing" and would recommend it to any student planning on attending college.



  1. You make a great point, Jordan. I would definitely recommend King's "On Writing" to any student interested in writing. I wish I read it in High School. However, I'm glad I got the opportunity to read it in Media Writing.

  2. You're right, Jordan. A book with the title "On Writing" sounds like it could be quite a painful read. Of course, this is not the kind of book that King wrote! Instead we got this fun book full of useful constructive criticism.

  3. You make some great points on King's book "on Writing." I wish I had this book in high school it would of been a big help for me. If only King became a english teacher; that would be a class everyone enjoyed because he would be honet with you.

  4. When I think of Stephen King I think of fiction and suspense. I don't think I would have ever imagined myself reading a nonfiction piece by King on the actual topic of writing. Writing can be a painful and rewarding experience and even Stephen King admits to not always finding it easy.

    I'm glad I had the opportunity to read this book and it was in fact a pain-free experience. King offers great words of wisdom and I plan to keep sharpening my writing "tools" with the hope that I may become a better writer.
